Lecturer (Assistant Professor equivalent) in Gravitational Wave Data Science in the School of Mathematical Sciences

Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Physics and Astronomy 

Research Associate at the Gravity Exploration Institute


Ph.D. in Physics with Prof. Patrick Brady

Thesis title: Studies in Gravitational-wave Astronomy and Tests of General Relativity

M.Phil. in Astrophysics with Prof. Da-Ming Chen

B.E. in Space Engineering



(with a medal, a diploma, and a money award for every individual member)


Principal Investigator. 

Co-Investigator, in charge of reduced order quadrature (ROQ) data to support fast parameter estimation of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) fourth (O4) observing run, with PI Jessica McIver. Approved for three years and the amount of computing resources allocated each year is ~$1.2M, with my share of about 10%.

Principal Investigator for the STFC grant led by the University of Glasgow to reach out and lead workshops on gravitational wave public education activities in major high schools, universities, museums, and planetariums in Beijing, Weihai, and Zhuhai of China. 

Principal Investigator for the unusual grant in Dec 2019-Jan 2020 to help recruit undergraduate and Master’s students for Cardiff University during the outreach activities in China.

Project supervisor for the grant to support an undergrad research intern selected globally for a maximum of 8 weeks in the summer.

Principal Investigator for the competitive grant to support a Cardiff University undergrad summer research internfor 8 weeks.